03 March 2016

Rêve d'Or LT Piver

Quite by chance into my hands I got a rare old rarity and antiquity. I never was interested in the fate of troubled brand LT Piver. The old perfume house, quietly still exist, many times changed owners. One of the republished fragrances - Cuir de Russie (1939) I have tried in a modern version and was disappointed. Even I remember nothing.
My nedavnoee acquisition - Rêve d'Or, first appeared in 1889, and in 1926 was reformulated.Bottle, according to the form and bakelite screw cap - version 60 - 70-ies. And, although the concentration and probably written colonies. But not all spirits of resistance as in this colony.
And, yes, now I know how to sound real spetsievy oriental fragrance. L`Origan Coty - children baby compared with Rêve d'Or. The closest - Divine Folie Patou with its rose and clove L`Heure Bleu Guerlain in its old version of anise. . Now he is different and the comparison will not stand
in the Rêve d'Or really there is something mentioned by vain gerlenovsky confectionery - candied violets, candied fruit, a little grape orange blossom, pink rose, anise, cloves, oregano and pepper. And all of this is dissolved in a monstrous dose of heliotrope, sandalwood and amber. But unlike Guerlain, absolutely no cream powder. The texture feels - viscous, translucent. ? Spicy Delight, smelling flowers or cabochon carnelian
central note - heliotrope. But it is not the poisonous almonds heliotrope, which is now ubiquitous. Rêve d'Or did not smell of food, sweets, kitchen cabinet. This is a golden dream-memory of the bazaar, which is open to tourists only for its grand, festive, exotic party. We are seeing a market out of the bus window, catch motley odor mixed with the hot wind. We will not see the technology inside out and do not remember the details.
Rêve d'Or like a rosary. The thread on which are strung notes - spices. The thin, yet durable lace with a brush. The brightest beads - rose, heliotrope and sandalwood. They fit perfectly in shape and size, they are pleasant to touch without hesitation.
Spetsievy east - a rare visitor in my collection. I'm hard to please. But Rêve d'Or able to create a three-dimensional moving image, and tactile sensations. I think we will be friends with him. Or at least take a closer look.

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