22 February 2016

Determination of release perfume Chanel

Hooray! Seeker of ancient flavors of raidersofthelostscent blog reached stronghold - Chanel, decipher codes and ways of determining the age of the vials.
The difficulty is that the numbers in the Chanel codes are not associated with issue for years. The same code can be used at different times, so it is always necessary to take into account the release date of the spirits themselves and labeling rules common to all of the perfume world: letter e has appeared on the boxes since 1981, bar code appeared after 1990, green dot after 1992, 1998 and 2004 on the boxes began to quietly publish a short list of ingredients, from 2005 printed a long list of allergens.
And what about the four-digit code? They mean ... months. Of the four digit code shanelevskogo necessary to take the first two. From 00 to 99 they are changing, and changing a full cycle is closed for 8 years.
If your box perfume Chanel no characters other than letters e, there is a bar code, a list of ingredients, there is no GreenDot, the vial is released in the interval 1981 - 1990 codes at this time were such (denoted tens unit, count yourself):
80xx - August 1989 (81hh, respectively, will be September 1989)
70xx - October 1988
60xx - December 1987
50xx - February 1987
40xx - April 1986
30xx - June 1985
20xx - August 1984
10xx - October 1983
00xx - December 1982
90xx - February 1982
80xx - April 1981
As an example, borrowed the picture (all my age or older or younger)

Antaeus without any icons on the box, the code 1726 in this case corresponds to May 1984.
If your perfume on the box already has a barcode and GreenDot, but there is a long list of allergens, the vial is released in the interval of 1990-2004.
60xx - August 2004 (61hh - September 2004)
50xx - October 2003
40xx - December 2002
30xx - February 2002
20xx - April 2001
10xx - June 2000
00xx - August 1999
90xx - October 1998
80xx - December 1997
70xx - February 1997
60xx - April 1996
50xx - June 1995
40xx - August 1994
30xx - October 1993
20xx - December 1992
10xx - February 1992
00xx - April 1991
90xx - June 1990
The problem with code 10xx when greendot box and a short list of ingredients and the barcode, i.e. it could be in 1992 and 2000. Here is the case with the old flavors have to accept, well, then, that in 1992 has been released, no doubt of manufacture 2000.
Here is an example of the vial at that time

greendot is, the list of ingredients do not exist, the code 3226 means are December 1993.
Another example (I finally got my favorite dated 19 th!)

On greendot box, and (unlike the previous bottle) a short list of ingredients, embossed code 6304, ie It is November 2004.
Well, the most recent - the letter e, greendot, bar code and a long list of ingredients on a box of 2005-2013 years:
70xx --oktyabr 2013
60xx --dekabr 2012
50xx --fevral 2012
40xx --aprel 2011
30xx --iyun 2010
20xx --avgust 2009
10xx --oktyabr 2008
00xx --dekabr 2007
90xx --fevral 2007
80xx --aprel 2006
70xx --iyun 2005
As an example, my favorite Chanel №5 in spirits, that I cried over the internet.

Here the complete set: greendot, bar code, a list of allergens, code 2601, ie February 2010-th, I still have a bottle stashed with the code 2901 is also good.
But Chanel №5 Eau Premiere, which was established in 2007.

On the box a long list of allergens, GreenDot, code 9004, ie February 2007 is the first.
And a detailed breakdown of the past and the year before for training:
70xx: October 2013
69xx: September 2013
68xx: August 2013
67xx: July 2013
66xx: June 2013
65xx: May 2013
64xx: April 2013
63xx: March 2013
62xx: February 2013
61xx: January 2013
60xx: December 2012
59xx: November 2012
58xx: October 2012
57xx: September 2012
56xx: August 2012
55xx: July 2012
54xx: June 2012
53xx: May 2012
52xx: April 2012
51xx: March 2012
50xx: February 2012
When decoding is always necessary to remember that this is all speculation, and not the official manufacturer information that labeling issues French plant may differ from the US.
From funny. It turned out that my 31 Rue Cambon was dispensed in the middle of 2006, although the official start was in February of 2007. All my 22 th to 81 SHaneli release. This is both good (well it is now clear on what not to watch), and bad, because the older, more expensive.
At a reprint, please refer to the source. Photo one Andre Moreau, my other.

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