24 July 2015

Metallica Guerlain

Metallica is woven of pink suede and embroidered with delicate petals of gold. Metal chill among citrus in the beginning quickly replaced by languid ilangovaya powder. It sounds like a call to a person working from nine to five. These bright tropical flowers can smell only sleek creature in the boudoir, in silks and feathers, warmth and bliss, and not zamumukannaya individual riding hour by subway. It is holёnoe, but predatory. Complacency ylang demolish alarming carnation flower, clove spice and caustic resin. And all this as the chips takes Mekong bitter vanilla and musk.

Ylang and clove and vanilla - a major chord of several Guerlain fragrances Quand vient L`Ete simplest to Aqua Allegoria Ylang & Vanille. Metallica is the most rigid and powerful among them, the most inaccessible and most luxurious (no matter how this word has been beaten). It does have glitter and clang of metal, which likes to decorate herself and for which man can betray or kill. Ylang and vanilla here only decor. But in the main they Metalys, so between the flavors are not 5 years, the gulf between them, the crisis and the failure, when frozen and skukozhilas mind the honor and conscience, talent and generosity of spirits producers. When precious metals were only in names.
Metallica Guerlain is very difficult to buy, because the beautiful shining bottle forces the heart to tremble every magpie. And the magpie-collector spirits - even more so. But sometimes it goes up for auction unpretentious testers Refill.
Metallica Guerlain 2000
Vanilla, ylang, rose, carnation, iris, tonka bean, amber.

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