10 April 2015

If you do not feel the aroma, then it is yours.

Recently I noticed that the long texts nobody reads. The world has changed, it changed the perception of information, which means it's time to rewrite the manual. Under the same tag but in a new format: perfume myths, legends and persistent delusions, perfume jargon useful stuff and answers to frequently asked questions.

Recently I am taken aback own daughter: "If I do not feel the aroma, then it my 100%." It turns out that I hatched cuckoo in the nest mother ?! In fact, having dug deeper to figure out what was meant.
There are people who irritate spirits. All or almost all. If the spirits for some reason cease to be heard (nose accustomed spirits vanished without a trace), then they have that one good.
But this is nonsense! Why do we need a perfume that does not smell? This is not a necessity, not cowards without which you will not leave the house (although now there are sects ...). Madden artificial odors? Do not use the spirits through the power, better buy a lipstick or shoes. It would be nice though. A legend about the fact that if you do not feel the aroma, then it's yours, manufacturers have come up with unstable spirits and lazy consultants.

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