10 April 2015

How long are the spirits?

Topic guide: perfume myths, legends and persistent delusions, perfume jargon useful stuff and answers to frequently asked questions.
How long are the spirits? This question somehow pops up almost every day in conversation, correspondence, comments in instagram. How long have kept something in pure alcohol? Take an interest in the Kunstkammer

But seriously, similar to a cream, powder or sturgeon irrelevant because alcohol - a strong preservative, and any cream or powder in any sturgeon it is not the main ingredient.
In modern perfumery alcohol 90% and more, in the old happened 75 - 80%. The rest - the perfume concentrate, a mixture of odoriferous substances with different properties. The substances may be sensitive to light, changes in temperature can spoil quickly, can retain their properties for decades. However, perfumes are usually do not lose their properties at the end of shelf life.

Expiration date, which is printed on the packaging - it is the length of time in which the manufacturer is responsible for his product, and will be obliged to return the money, if the liquid is stratified, sediment falls or odor has changed beyond recognition. Usually - for three years. In Russia, I imagine this little idea, but somewhere in Canada, the buyer can sue the store or the brand of the damaged goods, so all of all are protected, shared responsibility and everything warn. To the actual state of the spirits it is not relevant.
The safety margin they laid much greater because the spirits of the box can carry from store to store, warming shelves, ice in the back, shake, hold the light. With most well received, the buyer simply can not see.
Shopping in our country is removed from the shelves of perfume expired. You can do the same. But in Italy, the United States and other countries, as far as I know, the practice is quite different.

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